Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Roasted Asparagus Risotto

Ah, September.  Back to school, back to normal, whatever it is that normal looks like.  September first is in many ways more the beginning of a new year than January first, at least for anyone going to school, I think.  As such I decided to separate my posts about Emily's forays into the kitchen into their own blog.  You can still read the earlier posts at, and I hope you will continue to read it occasionally.  My intention is to post more regularly there as well, although with more focus on its original purpose.
After a crazy busy weekend, celebrating my mother's 70th birthday it was good to come home and just be for a day, preparing book bags and lunches and new outfits for the coming days.  Monday morning I asked Emily if she was planning to cook supper that night.  Her response was, "If you want me to..."
While that was not the question precisely she did pick up a magazine and find this recipe.  The child loves rice, so I'm not surprised she gravitated to it.  Risotto is time consuming, requiring a lot of patient stirring, but I agreed it was easy enough, and seemed like a light option after several days of big celebratory meals.  I added asparagus to our grocery list and moved forward with the day.

My sister came by later in the afternoon to give Emily a haircut before school started...those bangs were beginning to impede her vision as much as her nearsightedness.  Glasses don't fix hair in your eyes!  As Nancy was leaving Emily informed her she was making risotto for supper-with steak!  I had to advise her otherwise, there was no steak thawed out.  She told me there was steak in the freezer.  I agreed, but told her it was too late to be thawing meat for supper.

While Emily showered to rid herself of those little bits of hair that itch so after a haircut I cleaned and chopped the asparagus roasted it, as that particular step was not listed in the instructions.  Emily quickly shooed me out of the kitchen, insisting she could manage on her own.  She got the onion chopped, perhaps not as efficiently, and with the requisite tears.  She called me back seeking garlic, and I was surprised to discover we had none.  I told her she'd have to manage without.  She argued it was necessary; I couldn't really disagree, but there was not a clove in the house, so it was going to have to be a garlic-less meal.  I heated chicken stock for her in the microwave and left her alone again.
She browned the onion and added the rice to the oil, stirring to coat it with the oil before stirring in apple juice with a little lemon juice, an adequate substitute for white wine, another ingredient we were lacking (I prefer red, and rarely buy white). Once the "wine" was absorbed she began to add the warmed stock & water, a little at a time, adding more as each addition was absorbed by the rice.  Convincing her she had to stand there and stir the whole time was a challenge in itself, but she did it.  Just before she added the last amount of liquid Emily told me she wanted to add some kind of meat to her dish.  I suggested she see if we had a can of cocktail shrimp in the pantry, since the hunk of roast beef in the fridge would not have been a good addition.  There was no can, so I made a mad dash to the grocery store for some shrimp.  The things a sous chef has to do!

Once the liquid was fully absorbed Emily stirred in the roasted asparagus, Parmesan cheese, a little butter and about a cup of cooked shrimp that had been rapidly thawed under hot water.

Dinner was, as always very good, and just as tasty the following day at lunch.  Risotto sounds daunting to make but it is a surprisingly simple dish, only requiring patience.

Roasted Asparagus Risotto

900 milliletres chicken or vegetable broth
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 medium onion, finely chopped
1 garlic clove, finely chopped
2 cups arborio rice (any white rice will work)
2/3 cup dry white wine*
1 bunch roasted asparagus, cut in 1 inch pieces**
1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
1 tablespoon butter

Heat broth plus 1 1/2 cups water, set aside, keep warm.  Heat the oil in a large pot over medium low heat.  Add onions and cook until soft, but not browned.  Add garlic and cook for another minute.  Add rice and stir until coated with oil.  Add the wine and stir continuously until the wine has been absorbed by the rice.  Add 2 cups of the warm broth and cook, stirring, until liquid has been absorbed.  Repeat, adding broth in 1/2 cup increments until rice is soft with a slight firmness in the centre and liquid is absorbed. (About 20 minutes)
Remove from heat and stir in roasted asparagus, cheese and butter.  Season to taste with salt and pepper.

*you can replace the wine with apple or orange juice with a little vinegar or lemon to mimic the acidity of the dry wine.  In other recipes you can also substitute chicken stock, or for small amounts an equal amount of vinegar or lemon juice.

** to roast asparagus trim the tough ends and place spears on a baking sheet.  Drizzle with olive oil, sprinkle with salt & pepper and roast at 400F for about 10 minutes (small spears will require less cooking time)

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